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ENGL 1A / CTW-1 Headlines (Leuner)


Using one of these methods (searching or browsing), select an article with a title that represents hero or antihero to you. Read the article. Post on the Padlet the headline in bold/subject heading and a link to the full text of he article. Prepare a critical examination of the content of the article vis a vis the claims of the headline. What score, from 1 to 10, 10 being best, would you give it? Be ready to share your takedown/evaluation 



  • A screenshot or photo of your chosen headline
  • The permalink to your article in the body


A critique of the headline and content of the article

  • How well does the content of the article support the claims of the headline?
  • Do you think it's a good headline? If not, how would you re-write it?

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